Why Predict is the perfect (small) business forecasting tool for you (small) businesses?
Developing a robust cash flow forecast can be challenging for (small) business owners - looking at past and present data on e.g. business assets, business finances, business related expenses and external factors such as tax obligations can prove to be a burden on the average business owner.

Predict offers the perfect solution for small business financial management - a prediction software, it provides more than just cash flow forecasting. Taking into account a business's profit and loss statement as well as balance sheet, Predict offers a 3-way forecast to allow better business planning. It provides your business with solid financial forecasts to inform your business strategy. Financial forecasting is key for a successful business - many small business owners benefit from prediction software.
Using predict for financial management - integrate it with your accounting software
Having to rely on your gut or out of date, and bitty information to make decisions about every aspect of your business’s future is wrapped up in the “that’s just how business is” rule.
Well, rules are there to be broken, so we’re introducing Futrli Predict. It’s not anything you’ll have experienced before, it’s a new kind of prediction software that understands your unique business.
Even if you think numbers and finances are not your strength, Predict will make you feel differently. It's an accurate picture of your future and takes no effort from you.
Nevermore than now, the decisions that always fall to you to make about your business, have got to be the right ones.
So every day, without having to lift a finger, thousands of accurate calculations about your whole business will be predicted for you.

The result? Instead of making decisions under duress or with high doses of alka seltzer, you’ll be free to make choices with accurate and up to the minute predicted information at hand.
It’s going to de-risk and transform how you work and feel about your business.
Let’s level with each other. Traditional forecasting is hard. So, finance teams, CFOs, and accountants do it in the main and it takes a lot of time. Predict isn’t traditional forecasting, it’s prediction software. It isn’t hard, so you can do it (or actually Predict will do it for you).
Cash and having enough of it is just one area that needs your focus, but your business is also about sales, and spend, and people, and tax, and profit, and customers, and suppliers, and marketing, and ROI, and funding, and products and services. Every one of those things has a reliance or dependency on others, which means, take a wrong turn over here and you’ll get tripped up over there.
Your business has a unique version of all of those things. Predict understands these nuances so that you make the right choices; giving you your own business “Sat Nav” that takes every one of these unique things into consideration when calculating your predictions. It will even take into consideration the huge curveball of the global Covid crisis in its calculations. Just like having a team of CFOs by your side every day it’ll show you which direction to take, with no effort, on your part. Now is the time to take control.
Futrli’s Predict will help you write your own future. Like you always wanted.
“But I’m scared what I’ll find out”. Don’t be. If you’ve got a problem area or are predicted to run out of cash, as hard as it is, you know it’s better now when we can help you fix it, with our team on hand, our kick-ass community, Peer, and accountants that actually want to see you and give you advice that’ll make a difference.
Futrli Predict is like a sat nav for your business guiding short, medium, and long term decisions, so you’re never caught out.
Its next-gen approach predicts in ways that humans and time series-based AI can’t.