Direct Debit can be a convenient and successful payment method for (small) business. However, many (small) business owners come across a number of common objections with customers when explaining the benefits of direct debits. This is why we've compiled this list of common objections against monthly debits off a customer's bank account and how to argue against them.

Not being protected
- In fact, other payment methods, like credit card payments, online payments, or standing orders offer less customer protection than a direct debit - direct debits come with eg refunds of any payments taken fraudulently or in error
Not being in control of payments
- Ensure that they receive advance notice before a direct debit is taken from their bank accounts and explain that direct debits can be canceled at any time
- If possible, enable customers to change their payment dates whenever they wish to do so
- Ensure them that, if a direct debit should be taken in error, they will be getting a refund
- Let them know that you will still send invoices or agree on payment in advance as usual

Not wanting to change processes
- Explain and show how easy it is to set up direct debits
- List benefits, such as easy payment processing
- Understand what it is about their preferred payment method and meet them in the middle (e.g. let them choose their payment date or split payments over multiple installments)

No reason to change to direct debit
- Make your customers understand why this method is the most efficient for both sides of the transaction - explain that increased efficiency in your business ultimately benefits them, so you’d appreciate it if they could cooperate
Not having time
- Again, setting up a monthly debit is easily done - show patience and advise the customer on how to do it
- Show them how paying via direct debit will actually save them money (as opposed to eg card payments or bank to bank transfers)